Mr. Daniel Marsland MSc FRCS (Tr & Orth)

Daniel originally qualified in Medicine from Sheffield University in 2003 and went on to complete his Orthopaedic higher specialist training in Wessex, including a visiting trauma fellowship in Liverpool.
Daniel specialises in all aspects of foot and ankle surgery, including hallux valgus surgery (bunions), total ankle replacement, deformity correction and fusion surgery. He has a particular interest in sport injuries and arthroscopic surgery of the foot and ankle and completed his MSc in Sports and Exercise Medicine at Bath University. He is trained in shockwave therapy to treat both Achilles tendinopathy and plantar fasciitis. He also treats complex foot and ankle trauma, as well as general trauma.
He has extensive fellowship training in foot and ankle surgery at world renowned centres including:
- Mater Adult Hospital, Brisbane (Michael Lutz and Ben Forster);
- Fortius Clinic, London (James Calder);
- London Orthopaedic Clinic (Lloyd Williams);
To support his fellowship training in Australia he was awarded the prestigious British Orthopaedic Foot & Ankle Society Gold Award. He has also undertaken a travelling fellowship to the University of Amsterdam to visit Professor Niek van Dijk, a pioneer in arthroscopic surgery.
Daniel has taught surgical techniques at international and national meetings and is due to sit as Faculty at the next annual European Society of Sports Traumatology, Knee Surgery and Arthroscopy (ESSKA) meeting in Milan, 2021. He has also recently been lead faculty for an international webinar discussing the management of ankle syndesmosis injuries. One his highlights for 2020, was being filmed by BBC South Today programme and describing the challenges of working through the COVID-19 pandemic.
He is currently the research lead in Trauma & Orthopaedics at the Royal Hampshire County Hospital and has set up a collaboration with the University of Winchester to study gait after great toe (1st MTPJ) fusions. He has strong research interests with over 30 publications in peer reviewed journals. His experience includes a research fellowship at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore. He has authored the popular book “Crash Course in Orthopaedics and Rheumatology”, widely used by medical students, and more recently written book chapters on ankle instability and foot trauma.
Other sports roles include working as a pitch side doctor for Swindon Town F.C. and providing ringside trauma cover at English Amateur Boxing events.
Current Appointment
Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, Royal Hampshire County Hospital, Winchester
Areas of Interest
- Hallux valgus surgery (bunions)
- Hallux rigidus treatment (big toe arthritis)
- Sport injuries and arthroscopic surgery of the foot and ankle
- Minimally invasive repair for Achilles tendon rupture
- Achilles tendon problems and plantar fasciitis including the use of shockwave therapy
- Deformity correction and fusion surgery to treat arthritis
- Total ankle replacement
- Complex foot and ankle trauma
British Orthopaedic Foot & Ankle Society
American Orthopaedic Foot & Ankle Society
Royal College of Surgeons of England
Faculty of Surgical Trainers, Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh
TV Appearances
BBC South Today Programme, Evening News, 22 Dec 2020 - Royal Hampshire County Hospital Special Report - Elective operating through COVID-19
International Webinars
Syndesmosis: The screw of diminishing return, Arthrex, 19 Nov 2020
Simulated weight reduction using an anti-gravity treadmill - A pilot study of the impact of weight loss on foot and ankle arthritis.
Morley WJ, Dawe E, Boyd R, Creasy J, Grice J, Marsland D, Taylor H; Foot Ankle Surg. 2020 Nov 2:S1268-7731(20)30224-1
Delayed stabilisation of dynamically unstable syndesmotic injuries results in worse functional outcomes.
Kent S, Yeo G, Marsland D, Randell M, Forster B, Lutz M, Okano S. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2020 Oct;28(10):3347-3353
MRI for high ankle sprains with an unstable syndesmosis: posterior malleolus bone oedema is common and time to scan matters.
Randell M, Marsland D, Ballard E, Forster B, Lutz M. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2019 Sep;27(9):2890-2897
Early return to playing professional football following fixation of 5th metatarsal stress fractures may lead to delayed union but does not increase the risk of long-term non-union. Miller D, Marsland D, Jones M, Calder J. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2019 Sep;27(9):2796-2801
Flexor digitorum longus tendon transfer to the navicular: tendon-to-tendon repair is stronger compared with interference screw fixation.
Marsland D, Stephen JM, Calder T, Amis AA, Calder JDF. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2018 Apr 7
Strength of Interference Screw Fixation to Cuboid vs Pulvertaft Weave to Peroneus Brevis for Tibialis Posterior Tendon Transfer for Foot Drop.
Marsland D, Stephen JM, Calder T, Amis AA, Calder JDF. Foot Ankle Int. 2018 Jul;39(7):858-864.
Full text publication rates of papers presented at the British Foot & Ankle Society
Marsland D, Mumith A, Taylor HP. Foot Ankle Surg. Oct 2017
Minimally invasive tendon release for symptomatic accessory soleus muscle – a novel surgical technique
Randell M, Marsland D, Jenkins O, Forster B. J Foot Ankle Surg. Oct 2017
Large intratendinous peroneus tertius ganglion excised via a two-incision technique
Marsland D, Elliot RR. Tech Foot Ankle Surg. Oct 2017
Differential motion and compression between the plantaris and Achilles tendons: a contributing factor to midportion Achilles tendinopathy?
Stephen J, Marsland D, Masci L, Calder J, El Daou H. Am J Sports Med. 2018;39(7)858-864
Efficacy of foot and ankle corticosteroid injections
Grice J, Marsland D, Smith G, Calder J. Foot Ankle Int. 2017 Jan;38(1):8-13
Fusion of the First Metatarsophalangeal Joint. Precontoured or Straight Plate?
Marsland D, Konan S, Akis K, Calder J, Elliot RR. J Foot Ankle Surg. 2016;55:509-12
Volar locking plate fixation of distal radius fractures: use of an intra-operative ‘carpal shoot through’ view to identify dorsal compartment and distal radioulnar joint screw penetration. Marsland D, Hobbs CM, Sauvé PS. Hand (N Y). 2014 Dec;9(4):516-21
Biomechanical analysis of endobutton versus screw fixation after Lisfranc ligament complex sectioning
Marsland D, Solan M, Belkoff S. Foot and Ankle Surg. 2013 Dec;19(4):267-72
Systematic review: Safety of intra-articular corticosteroid injection prior to total knee arthroplasty
Marsland D, Mumith A, Barlow IW. Knee. 2014 Jan;21(1):6-11
Biomechanical analysis of the posterior intrafocal wire for paediatric supracondylar fractures of the humerus.
Marsland D, Belkoff SM. J Pediatr Orthop. 2014 Jan;34(1):40-4
The saphenous nerve in foot and ankle surgery: its variable anatomy and relevance
Marsland D, Dray A, Little NJ, Solan MC. Foot and Ankle Surg. 2013 Mar;19(2):76-79
Does maximum torque mean optimal pullout strength of screws?
Tankard SE, Mears SC, Marsland D, Langdale ER, Belkoff SM. J Orthop Trauma. 2013;27(4):232-235
A Review of periprosthetic femoral fractures associated with total hip arthroplasty
Marsland D, Mears SC. Geriatr Orthop Surg Rehabil. 2012;3(3):107-120
Enhanced biomechanical stiffness with large pins in the operative treatment of pediatric supracondylar humerus fractures
Srikumaran U, Tan EW, Belkoff SM, Marsland D, Ain MC, Leet AI, Sponseller PD, Tis JE. J Pediatr Orthop. 2012;32(2):201-205
Static Monolateral external fixation for the treatment of intra articular fractures of the base of the first metacarpal – a simple solution for a complex fracture. Marsland D, Sanghrajka A, Goldie B. Ann R Coll Surg Engl. 2012;94(2):112-5
Surgical techniques: Use of arthroscopic ‘Alligator’ forceps for the removal of excess cement in UKA
Sturch P, Marsland D, Barlow IW. Surgeon. 2012;10(6):368
Calcaneal traction pin placement simplified: A cadaveric study
Kwon J, Ellington K, Marsland D, Gupta S. Foot Ankle Int. 2011;32(6):651-5
Biomechanical Comparison of Two Different Locking Plate Fixation Methods in Vancouver B1 Periprosthetic Femur Fractures
Pletka J, Marsland D, Belkoff S, Mears S, Kates S. Geriatr Orthop Surg Rehab. 2011;2:51-55
Venous Thromboembolic Prophylaxis for Hip Fractures
Marsland D, Mears SC, Kates SL. Osteoporos Int. 2010;21:S593-604
How to Optimize Patients for Geriatric Fracture Surgery
Marsland D, Colvin PL, Mears SC, Kates SL. Osteoporos Int. 2010;21:S535-546
Arthroscopically assisted fixation of glenoid fractures: a cadaver study to show potential applications of percutaneous screw insertion and anatomic risks
Marsland D, Ahmed H. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2011;20(3):481-90
An Update: Does the Type of Skin Marker Prevent Marking Erasure of Surgical-Site Markings?
Marsland D, Kamath MY, Mears SC, Belkoff SM. Eplasty. 2010;30:10:e50
Prospective Study of Surgical Delay for Hip Fractures: Impact of an Orthogeriatrician and Increased Trauma Capacity
Marsland D, Chadwick C. Int Orthop. 2010;34(8):1277-84
Use of a Dental Tool to Remove Excess Cement in Unicompartmental Knee Arthroplasty
Marsland D, Bradley N. Ann R Coll Surg Engl 2009;91:520-1
Haemo-pneumothorax and haemoptysis in a patient with suspected Ehlers-Danlos syndrome
Purohit N, Marsland D, Roberts N, Townsend E. Interact Cardiovasc Thorac Surg. 2009;9(1):130-1
Full-text publication rates of abstracts presented by Orthopaedic trainees at a regional deanery annual research meeting
Hindi F, Marsland D, Mumith A, Hodkinson SL, Taylor H. Bulletin. 2017:99(5); 184-189
Detecting Dorsal Screw Penetration following Volar Plate Fixation of the Distal Radius – A Validation Study in a Saw Bone Model
Poole W, Marsland D, Hobbs C, Sauvé PS. Trauma. 2016;19(1):46-53.
Rolando and his fracture
Mahoney M and Marsland D, Garagnani L, Sauvé PS. Trauma, 2015, 17(1):24-28
The superficial peroneal nerve: A review of its anatomy and surgical relevance
Asp R, Marsland D, Elliot RR. OM Anatomy, 2014, 15;2(1):6
Results and Functional Outcome of Arthroscopically Assisted Fixation of Transverse Glenoid Fractures: 3 Cases. Marsland D, Al-Khateeb H, Andrews E, Goldie B, Ahmed H. Shoulder and Elbow 2011;4(1):33-7
Research fellowship report: Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center, Baltimore
Marsland D. BOTA 2010-2011 Yearbook, pages 96-97
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Type 1: MRI May be Misleading
Marsland D, Konyves A, Cooper R, Suvarna K. Injury Extra, Jan 2008;39(3):102-5
Crash Course, Rheumatology and Orthopaedics 2nd Edition
Marsland D, Kapoor S, Coote A, Haslam P. Aug 2008, Mosby Ltd, Elsevier
Book Chapters
Essentials of foot and ankle surgery. Edited by Maneesh Bhatia. CRC Press (in press)
Ankle Instability - Zoe Lin, Daniel Marsland
Key clinical topics in Orthopaedic Trauma. Edited by Trompeter A, Qureshi A and Sprott D. JP Medical
– Subtalar & Chopart Fracture Dislocations
– Calcaneal Fractures
– Lisfranc injuries
– Other midfoot and forefoot fractures
Prizes and Awards
BOFAS travelling fellowship – Gold Award, 2017
BOFAS research grant, 2016
BOFAS travelling fellowship grant, 2015
Gauvain prize, Wessex – 1st place, 2014
BOFAS prize winning podium presentation, 2011
Wessex trauma symposium – 1st place, 2011
RSM Orthopaedic President’s Scientific Prize – 1st place, 2010
Research grant, Acumed, 2010
Research grant, Arthrex, 2010