Mr Robin R Elliot MA (Oxon), MBBS, FRCS (Tr & Orth)

Mr Robin Elliot is a Consultant Trauma and Orthopaedic surgeon, with a subspecialty interest in foot and ankle surgery. He studied Biochemistry at Oxford University, before going on to study medicine at St. Mary’s Hospital in London. In 2008 he was awarded an HCA International Fellowship Travelling Scholarship and spent a year training under renowned foot and ankle surgeon Dr Terry Saxby in Brisbane, Australia. Mr Elliot joined Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust in 2010 and between 2016 and 2019 he was appointed as the Clinical Director for the Trauma & Orthopaedic Service. Mr Elliot is the lead clinician for the Wessex Ankle Arthritis Network, a national collaborative network whose purpose is to ensure that patients with ankle arthritis are offered the correct advice and treatment for their ankle problem. Mr Elliot was recently appointed as a Specialist Adviser to the Care Quality Commission on matters relating to Trauma and Orthopaedics.
MA Biochemistry, Wadham College, Oxford University |
1995 |
Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (St. Mary’s Hospital, London) |
2000 |
Member of the Royal College of Surgeons of England |
2004 |
Advanced Trauma Life Support Instructor |
2006 |
Intercollegiate Examination FRCS (Trauma and Orthopaedics) |
2008 |
Sub-Specialty Training
Fellowship training in Foot and Ankle Surgery under Dr Terry Saxby at the Brisbane Foot and Ankle Centre 2009-2010.
AO Trauma Fellowship. Professor B. Hintermann. Kantonspittal, Leistal, Switzerland. 2008
Current Appointments
Consultant Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgeon, Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Specilist Advisor, Trauma & Orthopaedics, Care Quality Commission, UK
Orthopaedic Medical Director, Healthshare Group, UK
Areas of Interest
- All aspects of adult foot and ankle disorders
- Sports injuries to the foot and ankle
- Foot and ankle trauma
- Research /education
British Orthopaedic Association
British Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society
The UK Foot and Ankle COVID-19 National (FAlCoN) audit
Mangwani J et al. Bone Jt Open. 2016 April. 2(4): 216-226.
A prospective evaluation of first metatarsophalangeal fusion using an innovative dorsal compression plating system.
Gould A, Logan K, Lin Z, Marsland D, Elliot RR. J Foot Ankle Surg. 2021 Sept. 60(5): 891-896.
Elective removal of metalwork following Lisfranc injury fixation: Results of a national consensus survey of practice.
Rhodes A, Elliot RR, Marsland D. Foot (Edin). 2021 June. 47.
Hip fractures in centenarians: a muticentre review of outcomes.
Barrett-Lee J, Barbur S, Johns J, Pearce J, Elliot RR. Ann R Coll Surg Eng. 2021 Jan. 103(1): 5963.
Fusion of the first metatarsophalangeal joint: Precontoured or straight plate.
Marsland D, Konan S, Eleftheriou K, Calder J, Elliot RR. J Foot Ankle Surg. 2016 May. 55(3): 509-512.
Audit of foot and ankle surgeons’ management of acute peroneal tendon tears and review of management protocols.
Grice J, Watura C, Elliot RR. Foot (Edin). 2016 Mar. 26: 1-3
Periosteal sleeve avulsion as a Tillaux variant in adolescent male: Case report.
Eyre-Brook A, Grice J, Brant J Elliot RR. Foot (Edin). 2015 Jun. 25:124-125
Stress fractures of the tibia and medial malleolus.
Caesar BC, McCollum GA, Elliot RR, Willimas A, Calder J. Foot and Ankle Clinics of North America. 2013 June; 18(2):339-355.
Intraoperative imaging in hallux valgus surgery.
Elliot RR, Whitehouse S, Saxby T. Foot and Ankle Surgery 2012 18:19-21
Translateral ACL reconstruction. A technique for anatomical anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction.
Logan JS, Elliot RR, Wilson AJ. Knee surgery, sports traumatology, arthroscopy. 2011. Accepted for publication
A new technique for hamstring donor site blockade in anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction.
Logan JS, Elliot RR, Wilson AJ. An R Coll Surg Eng 2011; 93
Continuous infusion vs single bolus popliteal block following major ankle and hindfoot surgery: A prospective, randomised, double blind, placebo controlled trial.
Elliot RR, Pearce C, Seifert C, Calder J. Foot and Ankle International 2010 Dec; 31(12):1043-47
Is it necessary to re-fuse a non-union of a hallux metatarsophalangeal joint arthrodesis?
Hope MJ, Savva N, Elliot RR, Whitehouse SL, Saxby TS. Foot and Ankle International. 2010 Aug (31) 8: 662-669
A new method for measuring deformity distal to the hallux metatarsophalangeal joint.
Elliot RR, Saxby TS. Foot and Ankle International 2010 Jul (31) 7:609-11.
Outcomes of trauma in centenarians.
Kent MJR, Elliot RR, Taylor HP. Injury 2009 40: 358-361
Percutaneous and mini-open repair of acute Achilles tendon rupture.
Elliot RR, Calder J. Foot and Ankle Clinics of North America. 2007 Dec; 12(4):573-82, vi.
Lateral Popliteal Sciatic Nerve Block With Continuous Infusion For Foot and Ankle Surgery.
Calder J, Elliot RR, Seifert C. Foot and Ankle International 2007 Oct; 28(10):1106-7.
Cautious observation or blanket scanning? An investigation into paediatric attendances to an emergency department after head injury.
Elliot RR, Sola Y, Harrison R et al. Injury 2011 42: 896-899
Failed operative treatment in two cases of pseudarthrosis of the clavicle using internal fixation and Tutobone™ xenograft.
Elliot RR, Richards RH. Journal of Paediatric Orthopaedics B. 2011Sept; 20(5): 349-53
Aneurysmal bone cyst of the talus.
Elliot RR, Coombs R. JBJS (Br) Online. August 2005
Bilateral bucket handle tears of the lateral menisci: A complication of treatment with Pavlik Harness?
Elliot RR, Rossiter N. Injury Extra, Volume 38, Issue 12, December 2007: 459-460
Journal Club Report.
Elliot RR. JBJS (Br) Online: Journal Clubs 26th February 2009
‘Letter to the Editor’. PACS and its effect on preoperative planning.
Elliot RR. AO Dialogue June 2005.
‘Letter to the Editor’. PACS update
Elliot RR. AO Dialogue June 2006.
Book Chapters
Minimally invasive and percutaneous surgery.
Elliot RR, Calder J. Current Concepts in Orthopaedics. DJO Publications. Chapter 7: 58-67
Midfoot / Metatarsal Fractures.
Elliot RR, Saxby TS. Evidence-Based Orthopaedics. BMJ Books. Wiley-Blackwell 2011. Section IV.II.V: 583-592.
Insertional Achilles Tendinopathy.
Elliot RR, Saxby TS. Master Techniques in Orthopaedic Surgery. Lippincott Williams and Wilkins 2012.
Prizes and Awards
- Chang Chen Prize. British Orthopaedic Foot & Ankle Society 2009
- HCA International Foundation Travelling Scholarship 2008
- Ethicon Foundation Fund Award, Royal College of Surgeons 2008
- Medical Elective Awards – Vandervell Foundation, Gilchrist Trust, Alchemy Trust 1998
- Honours Vivas – MBBS: Pathology (Part IV), Surgery (Part VII) 1997